
Self-care Tips for Young Adults

Young adults are seeking therapy and self-help routines at soaring rates. With their extensive stress levels as well as their willingness to fight mental health stigma, they make up a good percentage of clients.

Today’s young adults struggle with their education, careers, finding affordable housing, and worrying about the unknowns in their future. These concerns, along with relationship problems, mental health diagnoses, and confidence issues, are holding them back from achieving their goals.

Offering the proper care and attention to young adults is not as simple as following your training but building new care guidelines created specifically for your client.

The Needs of Young Adults

Young adults are at a unique stage of their lives. Their brains are still developing as they are urged to make significant life decisions. They manifest their personalities, identities, and vulnerabilities, and throughout that, they develop anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

Because they are experiencing these emotions at such a fragile time, the common self-care strategies advised for other clients aren’t always appropriate for their type of emotional distress. The good news is that with the proper guidance, young adults can come out of this stressful funk and learn methods of self-care that work for them. It just takes time and a helping hand from someone like you.

Self-Care Strategies for Young Adults

Young adults are at a stage in their lives that feels a bit like limbo. They are not full-blown adults yet are no longer kids either. This means that their methods of self-care may not include the slow and peaceful tricks you were trained on. As beneficial as meditation and mindfulness are, a younger generation may find more active strategies more useful. They are more likely to continue with that practice when they see immediate results.

If it takes months of patience to feel differently, they will grow bored and lose focus. Young adults are used to instant gratification from the internet, so it is key to show them self-care strategies to enhance their confidence and sense of self.

Fostering a Sense of Individuality

Self-care for young adults may not include taking time to soak in a bubble bath or read a novel but working on themselves. They want to develop a strong belief in their capabilities.

Guiding young adults on exercises in self-control can teach them that they have a lot of what they need already. They just need to know how to manifest that strength and use it. As young adults find themselves relying more and more on their parents as the economy struggles, they are reaching for other ways to feel independent.

Teaching them how to use their personal resources to achieve their goals will enhance the faith they have in themselves. Whether you offer them tips on coping with social anxiety or handling stress, they will feel like they’ve accomplished something and continue on that path when they see themselves using those tools.

Encouraging Social Support

Young adults need connection more than ever before. They may have 24/7 access to the world, but that doesn’t mean they make stable and healthy connections. Having a solid social circle that can teach you things, experience life with you, and offer companionship helps young adults bond.

The connections they are building now can last well into old age. If not, the experiences they get from these friendships will teach them lifelong lessons. Having support and expressing yourself is essential at any age, especially as you come into your own. Recommending group therapy, peer counseling, or peer coaching are excellent methods for young adults to work with each other to maneuver through the world.

Engaging in Physical Activity

Through exercise, young people experience an escape from their problems. They can physically release stress and worry from their body. Although avoiding problems isn’t recommended, staying active helps mental health struggles. Whether it is a competitive sport, jogging, or yoga, body movement improves energy and mood.

Connecting the Brain and Body

Because young adults tend to have their minds focused on a screen while their body is at rest, they feel exhausted physically and mentally at the end of the day. By connecting the two, they can use both parts of themselves to heal. By listening to what their bodies tell them, they can bond with their bodies on a mental and physical level. Eating when they’re hungry, moving when they have energy, and resting when they’re tired are great ways to encourage connectivity in young adults.

Finding Creativity

Things like art, music, and dance are more than hobbies. These activities can improve someone’s mood and help them destress. Having a productive and positive outlet for emotions that someone struggles to express allows them to feel lighter.

Animal Bonding

If your young adult client is lucky enough to have a pet, encourage them to take time to be present with them. Cuddling, taking care of them, and experiencing that unconditional love offers an unmatched bond and level of care. Even encouraging clients to volunteer with animals at a sanctuary or shelter is a great way to practice self-care without feeling selfish but still enhancing one’s mood.

Self-care for young adults should be centered on all aspects of their lives. Working on their bonds with others, focusing on their outlets, and personal growth are all methods of self-care that are uniquely appropriate for young adults. Encouragement from therapists, peers, and themselves improves their confidence and abilities. When they prove that they can cope with struggles and manage stress, they can push forward. Having mental health professionals urge young adults to find methods of self-care and wellness that fit their lifestyle is vital to the effectiveness of care. At Headlight, we encourage young adults to achieve their goals through multi-faceted wellness plans. We offer one-on-one therapy, self-care guidance, group therapy, and peer coaching within our coaching program. Our services are available virtually so that our clients can gain confidence in the comfort of their own homes. Call us at 800-930-0803 to learn more about what Headlight has to offer young adults.

More than 50% of Americans struggle with mental health.

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