What Is Holistic Healing?
- Category: Mindfulness
- April 5, 2022
Although the concept of holistic healing has been around for centuries, many do not know exactly what it means or what it might look like. Understanding what holistic healing is can help you know if it is the right kind of treatment for you.
The Definition of Holistic Healing
According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, the idea of holistic healing originates from an ancient Indian medical system called Ayurveda. This type of medicine involves an all-encompassing view of mental and physical health, meaning that it approaches illnesses by looking at the whole person rather than just the symptoms.
Holistic healing focuses on wellness. It understands that many different factors can influence your physical and mental health. Some of these factors include:
- Emotional and mental well-being
- Physical health and history
- Spiritual state
- Social and cultural needs
Looking at these factors can help practitioners understand where an illness originated from, how it affects other areas of your body, and how to focus on the source of your problem by treating you as a whole person rather than a collection of symptoms. A study published by the Indian Journal of Palliative Care states that “holistic care provides an in-depth understanding of patients and their various needs for care and has important consequences in health-care systems.” Overall, holistic healing focuses on the entire person, looking at their heart, mind, body, and soul to provide healing.
Holistic vs. Conventional Treatments
Holistic care does not have to be entirely “unconventional” when it comes to the standards of Western medicine. In fact, holistic healing utilizes all kinds of different treatments to heal an individual. Types of holistic treatment might include:
- Ayurvedic medicine
- Aromatherapy
- Acupuncture
- Massage therapy
- Yoga
- Nutrition counseling
- Conventional treatment like surgery and medication
On the other hand, conventional treatment usually looks more like:
- Surgical procedures
- Blood and hormone tests
- Medications
- Radiation
A study in the Western Journal of Medicine found that holistic healing “emphasizes the uniqueness of each patient, the mutuality of the doctor-patient relationship, each person’s responsibility for his or her own health care and society’s responsibility for the promotion of health.” Unlike conventional medicine, holistic healing requires you to take an assertive position when it comes to your own health care, expecting you to be more involved when it comes to your own healing.
Healing the Whole Person
Conventional medicine typically utilizes procedures and medications to treat very specific illnesses or problems that may arise. While holistic healing supports utilizing modern medicine and medication to treat mental and physical illness, it also suggests that we focus on the entire person and their history when exploring treatment options.
Because you are a unique individual with your own needs, medical and emotional history, and life situation, a mental health professional who seeks to treat you holistically will have to take time to learn about you. They might ask you about your:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Trauma history
- Exercise habits
- Nutritional habits
- Sleep health
- Stress factors
- Spiritual needs
- Relationships
- Sexual orientation
- Family background
Learning about the factors that affect your life can be vital to helping you heal. For example, a practitioner might suggest yoga for chronic pain or focusing on sleep health to prevent stress.
The Importance of Wellness
The concept of holistic healing and wellness are incredibly similar. Wellness encourages a balance of emotional, spiritual, physical, mental, social, financial, and environmental factors to reach a healthy, fulfilled life. Similarly, holistic healing will look at these same factors to understand what may be out of balance in your life. It understands that physical health and psychological health are intertwined. It also realizes that your needs are unique to you and that there may not be a one-size-fits-all approach to your healing.
Being Involved in Your Healing
One of the most critical factors in holistic healing is that you are involved in your healing process. While other forms of treatment might have you attend an appointment or two, take a few medications, and not think about your health any further than that, holistic healing is based on the idea that you can become empowered by taking charge of your own health and treatment.
Holistic healing provides you with the tools that you need to change your life and equip yourself with your needs. It can teach you how to sleep better, eat right, exercise more, treat depression and anxiety naturally, and utilize medications or other treatments like yoga and acupuncture to treat your symptoms. You and your practitioner will work as a team towards your healing, supporting you and teaching you to support yourself through your lifelong journey.
Unlike conventional medical approaches, holistic healing requires you to look at the whole person rather than just their symptoms when providing treatment. Holistic healing involves utilizing treatments like yoga, acupuncture, and aromatherapy, as well as using conventional medicine like surgery and medications. Holistic healing will look at your entire background to determine your physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and mental needs at a personal level to determine what unique treatment plan you need. At Headlight, we value wellness and holistic healing. Our therapists focus on the mind, body, and spirit to provide you with truly holistic mental health and wellness treatments that you can access anywhere and at any time. At Headlight, our therapists understand that you are unique and require personalized, focused care. We can help you gain the tools and knowledge that you need to bring greater balance, happiness, and satisfaction into your overall life. Call us at 800-930-0803 today for more information.