Adolescent Behavioral And Mental Health
- Category: Anxiety
- December 7, 2020
According to the World Health Organization, anyone can struggle with mental illness, including adolescents who fall into the 10-19 age range. Many future health disorders can be caused by adolescent behavioral health, with suicide being a concern. This is why it is essential to talk to your child about mental illness and stay informed of their feelings and concerns.
Common types of mental and behavioral disorders in children include anxiety, depression, and destructive behavior. Of course, everyday stresses can cause changes in an adolescent’s mood, but if these changes are extreme and consistent, it might be time to take action.
How Do I Know if My Child Has a Mental Health Problem?
Knowing whether or not your child is struggling with mental health is a common concern among parents. Some don’t want to bring up the topic with their child if it seems unnecessary, but children should be informed about mental illness. If a child is experiencing any mental illness symptoms, they will likely be scared and unsure of what is going on. They need to know that nothing’s wrong with them and help is out there. You may want to consider asking your child what is going on with them. If they are unwilling to talk, speak to a professional who may have a different approach/
That being said, there are certain things you can look for when trying to determine if your child has a mental illness. Any disturbing changes in behavior are usually a sign. For example, your child may exhibit symptoms of sadness or hopelessness. They may also show drastic changes in their personality, which could be the result of substance use. If you notice any strange behavior in your child, it is best to ask them about it, but don’t attack them. Let them know about your concerns and be supportive. A child may not have even noticed their behavior change.
What Causes Mental Health Disorders in Adolescents?
As with people of any age, mental illness in children and young adults can be caused by a litany of different things. Past traumas, lack of sleep, and everyday stress can all cause mental health issues. Some mental health disorders can also run in the family, including depression and addiction. Symptoms of mental illness can show up at any point during a person’s childhood. For example, a child experiencing a mental illness due to past trauma may not start showing symptoms until long after the trauma occurred.
Be observant of how your child views themselves as well. Long patterns of negative thinking during childhood can result in teenagers having a skewed view of themselves. High self-esteem is essential for anyone, at any age, to have.
Treating Adolescent Behavioral and Mental Health Issues
It is essential to consult an expert before treating your child’s mental or behavioral problem on your own. In most areas, there will be local resources for mental health. Check for those that focus on adolescent behavioral and mental health.
Seeing a doctor or therapist about your child’s behavior will be your best option. These professionals can recommend your best course of action as well as diagnose your child’s condition.
In some cases, your doctor or therapist might recommend your child start medication therapy. Many parents have trouble with the idea of putting their child on prescription medication, but there are mental health medications made specifically for children. However, it is also essential to do your research on any medications your child is taking to be aware of potential side effects and ensure that you observe your child’s behavior while taking the medication.
Supporting Adolescent Behavioral Health Through Therapy
Another form of treatment recommended to most parents is therapy. As with medication, there are plenty of therapists who specialize in working with children and young adults. In some cases, parents can take part in their child’s therapy sessions. However, it is a good idea to give your child some privacy during these sessions as they may be uncomfortable talking about certain things in front of their parents.
While it is essential to do whatever your child’s doctor says, there are alternative forms of therapy that may help as well, including art therapy, music therapy, outdoor therapy, and more. See if any of these interest your child and take part in them as a team.
It is best to detect and treat these mental health issues as soon as possible. Children and young adults need to feel supported and listened to. Discuss your concerns with them and let them know that you will always support them.
Addressing Adolescent Behavioral Health: Recognize and Respond to Mental Health Challenges
It is essential to be aware of the mental and behavioral health challenges that your adolescent may be going through. Children and young adults of any age can experience depression, anxiety, and many other mental health conditions. If you have noticed symptoms of mental illness in your child, it is best to talk with a doctor, therapist, or another type of trained professional. There are plenty of therapy options out there, but you should always listen to your doctor first. At Headlight, we specialize in treating mental disorders for children, young adults, and adults. By utilizing the best therapy methods, we work hard to make sure you or your loved ones meet their mental health goals. We also have a team of some of the best psychologists, psychiatrists, and more on staff. For more information, call Headlight today at 800-930-0803.