Understanding When Your Client’s Counselor Might Not Be Suitable For Them
- Category: Relationships
- June 7, 2022
People often stay with counselors that are not right for them because they don’t know how to leave, what to do next, or feel bad looking elsewhere. Staying with a counselor who is not the right fit can be harmful. Your client is putting their mental health and wellness in jeopardy. What can you do? There are ways you can determine if someone’s counselor is right for them.
What Makes a Strong Client-Counselor Relationship?
Sometimes, the issue between your client and a counselor is that they don’t connect. People need to feel a good connection with their counselor; otherwise, all the work they do together is ineffective. That’s why clients bounce from one counselor to another. They’re just trying to find the right fit.
Therefore, a strong relationship between your client and counselor will enrich their treatment experience. That’s not to say that a particular counselor is not good at what they do, but working with someone with whom your client feels comfortable will create a more secure environment.
Honesty, Trust, and Respect
Honesty, trust, and respect are key for a successful client-counselor relationship. A study from BMC Psychology claims trust and respect are an “important component” of client-counselor relationships. Therefore it is essential that your client feels comfortable opening up with their counselor. While opening up is challenging in and of itself, without trust, honesty, and respect, your client may never feel comfortable opening up.
How Can You Help Your Client?
If your client is contemplating a counselor, there are certain things you can do to help them find the right fit. The biggest step is simply listening to what they need. Further understanding what they are struggling with will help you determine and make recommendations for counselors. For example, if your client is suffering from depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder, you will be able to find a counselor that specializes in these areas of counseling.
Has Your Client Tried Counseling Before?
It’s also helpful to know if your client has tried counseling before. Understanding what problems they experienced in the past with a counselor will help you move forward together. It may also be helpful to discuss previous techniques or methods of counseling that worked and did not work for them.
Some counselors may specialize in treatment methods. For example, your client may be trying to cope with trauma. A counselor specializing in trauma-informed treatment will help the client process their trauma successfully. Having the appropriate counselor that offers the appropriate resources will inevitably strengthen their bond.
Ultimately, the more you listen, get to know, and understand your client, the better recommendations you can make to them when searching for the right counselor for them.
Things Your Client Can Do to Find the Right Counselor
In addition to helping your client find the right counselor, there are things they can do, too.
Connect With Loved Ones
Once they have consulted you and their healthcare provider, it can be helpful for them to talk about it with their trusted loved ones. Getting the opinion of someone your client trusts is essential. Their loved ones most likely know them well, and their opinion can weigh your client’s decisions regarding their well-being.
Connect With Peers
In addition to reaching out to friends and family for support, it is also beneficial to reach out to peers. Your client’s peers will understand what they are experiencing because they have faced similar challenges. Their advice and direction can be invaluable for your client when choosing the right counselor.
Other Resources to Connect With
There are also other resources you can refer your client to, including:
Resources offered through work, such as an employee assistance program
Community resources include faith-based groups, 12-Step groups, or other group meetings
How SokyaHealth Can Help
In today’s day and age, your client can seek help from a trusted online space or digital platform. In addition, Telehealth services can provide a great forum for support, trust, and comfort in the client-counselor relationship. Such resources also have a broader reach to individuals who may not have as many resources in their community.
SokyaHealth can offer support. Through our online resources, we match clients with licensed therapists and mental health professionals who are experts in their fields. This involves holistic, integrated therapy delivered through a secure and convenient telehealth platform.
If you struggle to help your client find the right counselor, consider reaching out to Sokya Health. Not only can we help you, but we can help your client, too. Take the first step in finding the best counselor for your client and reach out to Sokya today.
SokyaHealth strives to ensure that all of our clients feel comfortable with their treatment plans and counselors. You need to talk with your client and prepare them for finding their path to wellness. That means finding the right counselor. To successfully start your path to wellness, you need to have an honest and trustworthy relationship with your counselor. It is essential for clients looking to sustain and manage their recovery needs. By listening to your client, you will better understand what kind of counseling they need. SokyaHealth can help your client today. Through our online platform, we will get your client connected with the right mental health professional to help them with a better path to wellness. If your client is trying to find the best counselor for them, reach out to SokyaHealth for more information today by calling 800-930-0803 and (866) 65-SOKYA.